giving a gift that keeps on giving

Trinity’s Endowment Fund is a permanent investment tool whereby the principal (the financial donations that are received and designated for the endowment fund) is invested. Only the earnings from the investments will be disbursed. We are called to be faithful stewards of all gifts that come from God—our time, gifts, the created world, and our money including what we have accumulated, inherited or has appreciated.

Your Gift will:

  • Leave a permanent legacy and ensure a financial stability to this ministry reaching our members, friends, our community in the Venice area.
  • Allow specific and separate accounts to be established for support of items requested by the donor.
  • Financially help develop new outreaches not obtainable within the scope of our mission / benevolence budget.

How Can You Give?

  • Checks, Cash, ACH Debit—an easy way to give any amount at any time
  • Stocks—Through IRA’s or Charitable Gift Funds
  • Bequests—a designation in one’s will or living trust; can reduce or eliminate inheritance tax

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